Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1291. By whom was the ‘Tahglq-i-Hind'; a famous literary work; written?


1292. Which of a species describes the tropic function it fills in its environment?


1293. Who is the creator of the famous characters “Gora; Chitra; Rehman; Mini”

Rabindranath Tagore

1294. For television broadcasting; what frequency is employed normally?

30 – 300 MHz

1295. What is good source of protein ?


1296. In which year, some more commercial banks in addition to the first lot of 141 were nationalised in India?


1297. Who is the author of “Spirit of the Age”?

William Hazlitt

1298. Who is the author of “Romeo and Juliet”?

William Shakespeare

1299. Which institution in Kerala deals with activities related to Judicial education, Training and Research?

Kerala Judicial Academy

1300. The Capital of Liberia?



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