Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1301. For internal financing of Five Year Plans, the government depends on which source?

Taxation only

1302. Who is the author of Scenes from a writer's life ?

Ruskin Bond

1303. Opium-war was fought between which countries?

Britain and Japan

1304. In Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and economic development?


1305. Ferozepur is on the bank of which River?


1306. What is the document published by the government to apprise the public on any issue?

White Paper

1307. In which year Amartya Sen won the Nobel Prize for Welfare Economics?


1308. What is the name of the Atom Bomb dropped by America in Nagasaki?


1309. Who is the author of . Lady with the Lap Dog?

Anton Chekhov

1310. Who" has been awarded the Sydney peace Prize 2012?

Sakai Holland


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