Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1311. Longest Dam (India)?

Hirakud Dam on the river Mahanadi -Orissa

1312. Abel Magwitch and Biddy appear in which Dickens book?

Great Expectations

1313. The number of wives of which Mughal ruler "fell short even of the Quranic allowance of four"?


1314. Who Chola king fought against the Shailendia king of Shri Vijaya and defeated him ?

Rajendra Chola I

1315. Vizzy Trophy is associated with?


1316. How many General Elections were conducted in Kerala?


1317. E-Post was started in ?


1318. ‘In Custody’; an English novel; is written by which woman?

Anita Desai

1319. Which is the Highest milk producer in India?

U. P.

1320. The final defeat of the Maratha Confederacy came during the time of which governor?



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