Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1271. Who is the author of Worshipping False Gods ?

Arun Shourie

1272. Which is the first Indian woman to reach Olympic finals in individual track events?

P. T. Usha

1273. The release of which fish into ponds and wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes?

Gambusia fish

1274. Which Europeans, were the last to come to pre-independence India as traders?


1275. The period in which The Industrial Revolution first started in England is?

The second half of the 18th century

1276. Which Veda throws light on the beliefs and practices of the non-Aryans?


1277. Who is the author of “Red Tap and White Cap”?


1278. Who is the author of SpanishTragedy ?

Thomas Kyd

1279. Who was the first Malayalee President of lndian National Congress?

C.Sankaran Nair

1280. Who is the inventor of Aniline Dyes?



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