Questions from Basic General Knowledge

12191. Who is the author of . Rape of Bangladesh ?

Anthony Mascarenhas

12192. Which current is produced by upwelling of water off the coast of Chile and Peru?

Humboldt Current

12193. Which personality is credited with starting "Vana Mahotsava" in 1950?

K. M. Munshi

12194. Who is the author of “Centuries”?


12195. Which is the autobiography of Adolf Hitler?

"Mein Kampf"(My Struggle)

12196. Who is considered as the first national ruler of India?

Chandragupta Maurya

12197. The basic architecture of computer was developed by ?

John Von Neumann

12198. Who said "Money is what money does" ?


12199. When is World Environment Day; recognized by the UN observed?


12200. What is considered as the predecessor of S.N.D.P Yogam?

The Vavoottuyogam started at Aruvippuram


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