12201. Who is the author of Divine Life ?
Swami Sivananda
12202. Which is the first country formed in the western part of Africa is ?
12203. Which, ancient" Indian King claimed ekarat (the sole sovereign) or the first Imperial ruler of India?
12204. Biggest State (India)?
Madhya Pradesh
12205. The vetebrate which has a two chambered heart is?
12206. Who is the author of “The Shadow Lines”?
Amitav Ghosh
12207. Corbillion Cup is associated with?
World Table Tennis (Women)
12208. Who is the author of ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’?
Victor Hugo
12209. Who is considered the guardian of the Public Purse?
Comptroller and Auditor General
12210. During India’s Freedom Struggle, which led to the first ‘All India Hartal’?
Protest against Rowlatt Act