Questions from Basic General Knowledge

8181. What is Sagar Samrat’?

A drilling ship in Bombay High

8182. First man to climb Mount Everest?

Sherpa Sungau (Nepal)

8183. Ben Johnson (Canadian) was disqualified in the 1998 Seoul Olympic in the Athletics?

100 m

8184. What was the most important feature of the Government of India Act of 1919?

Introduction of Dyarchy

8185. At the beginning of the twentieth century, who published "The Economic: History of India"?

Romesh Chandra Dutt

8186. Which substance is more than 80% in the cell?


8187. The first Olympic Games were held in which year?

776 BC

8188. Central Jute Technological Research Institute is located at?

Kolkata (W.Bengal).

8189. What are tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal usually called?


8190. Who is the author of “Grammar of Politics”?

Harold Laski


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