7791. Which phenomena is used in optical fibres?
Total internal reflection
7792. Forest Research Institute is located in?
Dehradun (U.P)
7793. Mycology is the branch of botany; what do we study about in that branch?
7794. On April 16; 1853 first train in India was opened between Bombay and Thana covering a distance of?
34 km.
7795. Which bacteria helps in improving the soil fertility?
7796. Who is the author of “Broken Wing”?
Sarojini Naidu
7797. What is the factor adversely affecting the fermentation process?
High concentration of sugar
7798. First fully literate town in India was?
7799. Which is the first biography in literature ?
Parallel Lives by Plutarch
7800. Which animal can tolerate more summer heat?