Questions from Basic General Knowledge

441. Which part of Delhi where Aibak laid the foundation of the first so called "Seven cities" of medieval Delhi,?


442. Which Sikh Guru assumed the title ‘Sachcha Badshah’?

Guru Teg Bahdur

443. Kunjalis were four in number. Who was the first Kunjali?

Kutti Ali

444. ‘Marginal utility theory’ was concepetuallised by?

Alfred Marshall

445. Who is the author of Airport ?

Arthur Halley

446. The Ministerial Council; the supreme organ of the WTO has to meet at least?

Once in every two years

447. J.R.D. Tata was the first to make a solo flight from Mumbai to Karachi, in the year?


448. Who had started ‘Mitra Mela’ Association?

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

449. By whom is the composition of the UPSC determined?

By the President

450. Who is the recipient of the first ‘Moortidevi literacy Award’?

C.K. Nagaraja Rao


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