Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2401. Who is the author of “Bird of Time”?

Sarojini Naidu

2402. Which place was captured by Israel from Jordan ?

West Bank

2403. “Green house effect” with respect to global warming refers to which effect?

Warming effect

2404. Who is the author of “Dream of Fair to Middling women”?

Samuel Beckett

2405. In the Mughal administration, by whom was military recruitment being looked after?


2406. First Dalit Speaker of the Lok Sabha?

G.M.C. Balayoki

2407. The writer of Mahabhasya "Patanjali" was a contemporary of which ruler?

Pushyamitra Sunga

2408. Who is the author of I Dare?

Pannesh Dangwal

2409. Forestry is the study of ?

Forest management and related studies

2410. Largest Dome (World)?

'Astrodome' in Housten; Texas (USA) outside diameter 216 metres and inside 196 metres.


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