Questions from Basic General Knowledge

231. How much blood does an average adult have in the body?

5-6 litres

232. Who developed Vizhinjam into a small port?

Raja Kesava Das.

233. Which country is the largest producer of Coal in the world?


234. The Capital of Burkina faso?


235. Who is the author of “Banker to the poor-The story of the Grameen Bank”?

Muhammad Yunus

236. In India; which first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881?

Oudh Commercial Bank

237. The electronic record for recording of electric variations that occur during contraction of muscles of heart is?

ECG (Electro Cardio Gram)

238. Which type of unemployment mostly found in India?


239. The Capital of Iran?


240. If an ideal gas is isothermally expanded, what will its internal energy?

Remain the same


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