Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2041. Which forms the largest share of deficit in Govt. of India budget?

Fiscal deficit

2042. The Krishnapuram Palace near Kayalamkulam was built by?


2043. What is the Mendel’s principles of inheritance?

Sexual reproduction

2044. Who in ancient India assumed the title amitraghata?


2045. Aranmula is a major attraction for its famous?

Metal Mirrors

2046. Which is the Indian scientist whose name is associated with the measurement of growth in plants?

J.C. Bose

2047. What is the method of producing plants from minute plant fragments?

Tissue culture

2048. Battle of Water Loo (1815) British force led by Duke of Wellington defeated French force led by ?

Napolean Bonaparte

2049. By whom is the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament appointed?

Speaker of Lok Sabha

2050. Which date is known as ‘Diabetes Day’?

14th November


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