Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2061. Which year was declared by UN as International Literacy Year?


2062. Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant?


2063. How many members participated in the Pattini Jatha' led by A.K. Gopalan?


2064. Where was the first Indian university opened in 1857?


2065. The country which adopted gold standard first was?

United Kingdom

2066. Which Taluk has the longest sea coast in KeraIa?

Cherthala Taluk.

2067. Hero in Iliad is?


2068. Who is the author of “Dilemma of Our Time”?

Harold Joseph Laski

2069. What is the distance of Milky way?

105 light years

2070. World health day is observed every year on ?

April 7th.


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