Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1821. Who is the author of “Ulysses”?

James Joyce

1822. The scientific name of Pepper is?

Piper nigrum

1823. What is the name of the Indian military operation in Kargil to expel the ussurpers?

'Operation Vijay' of 1999

1824. What colour is Spock's blood?


1825. Which was the first Malayalam TV Channel in Private Sector?

Asianet {Asianet malayalam satellite channel began in 1992}

1826. What does the Preamble of our Constitution contain?

The spirit of the Constitution

1827. Who is the author of “Odayil Ninnu”?

P. Kesava Dev

1828. How many bones are there in the human cranium?


1829. Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets; coasters and dredgers?

Garden Reach Shipyard

1830. Who is the only Chief Minister from Muslim Community?

C.H. Muhammed Koya


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