10331. Which metal has the highest density?
10332. Who is the author of View from Delhi; ?
A Chester Bowles
10333. Who is the author of “The man who killed Gandhi”?
Manohar Malgonkar
10334. Who is the author of “Men Who Kept Secrets”?
Thomas Powers
10335. In the famous Colachel battle who was the Dutch captain defeated and captured by Marthandavarma?
10336. Unemployment occurs when workers move from one job to another job?
Frictional unemployment
10337. Which police station has achieved the distinction of becoming the first police station in Kerala to get ISO 9001 : 2008 certification?
Kozhikkode town police station
10338. In the history of the freedom movement of India; the year 1930 is associated with which event?
Dandi March
10339. Longest Road?
P a n - A m e r i c a n Highway 27387 km (North West Alaska to Southern most Chile)
10340. In Krishnadevaraya"s court, who were Ashtadiggajas?
Eight great poets of his court