Questions from Basic General Knowledge

9831. To which river is the dockyard at 'Lothal is connected through' a channel?


9832. The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in Greece in ?

776 Bc

9833. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

9834. Who was the first Kerala Governor?

B Ramakrishna Rao

9835. Hitler became the head of Nazi Party in ?


9836. Which is most prone to earthquakes?

Young folded mountains

9837. Which is the strait connecting Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal?

Palk Strait

9838. How many States are required to ratify certain Amendments to the Constitution?

Not less than half the number

9839. What is known as the power house of the cell?


9840. Who is the author of “Le Contrat Social”?



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