Questions from Basic General Knowledge

9671. By which method is the age of most ancient geological formations estimated?

C4 method

9672. In which country is "Takla Makan" desert situated?


9673. To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual; which symptom is mostly associated with?

Chronic diarrhoea

9674. Who is the author of “ Magdalana Mariam”?

Vallathol Narayana Menon

9675. Which pair of metals- are supposed to constitute the internal core of the earth?

Nickel and Iron

9676. Who is the author of the book "Freedom from Fear"?

Aung San Suukyi

9677. First American Vice President to become 'President while the President was alive is ?

Jerald R. Ford

9678. The official name of Israel is?

Medinat Israel

9679. Who is the author of Raja tarangini ?


9680. Which contains the Gayatri Mantra?



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