Questions from Basic General Knowledge

9361. Which Urdu poets was invited; to the Second and Third Round Table Conference?

Muhammad Iqbal

9362. The smallest district of Kerala is?


9363. In the history of computer the fifth generation was started in ?


9364. Botanical survey of India (BSI) with its head office in Kolkata came into existence in?


9365. Activated charcoal is employed to remove colouring matter from pure substance; it work?


9366. Where can you find London bridge today?

USA ( Arizona )

9367. The total number of bones in adult human body is ?


9368. Who is the author of “Dwandhayudham”?

Malayattoor Ramakrishnan

9369. When water is heated from degree C to 20 degree C; how does its volume change?

It shall increase

9370. Who is the author of “Chidambra”?

Sumitranandan Pant


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