9381. Which city of America has the largest number of rail roads?
9382. If the atmosphere is cooled, what is its capacity for water vapour?
9383. Who was Dr. Salim Ali ?
9384. Who is known as the 'Liberator'?
Simon Bolivor
9385. Communist leader who proclaimed war with Cuban ruler Batista in 1958?
Fidel Castro
9386. The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference; a gathering of delegates from 44 nations that convened from July 1 to 22; 1944 in Bretton Woods; New Hampshire is better known as ?
The Bretton Woods Conference
9387. Foot-and-Mouth disease in animals; a current epidemic in some parts of the world; By which is this caused?
9388. Zinjanthropus; considered to be the earliest in the human species were found in the?
Great Rift Valley of Central Africa
9389. Pulsars Research Laboratory is located at?
New Delhi (Delhi).
9390. In a food chain, howmuch solar energy utilized by plants?
1 percent