Questions from Basic General Knowledge

9091. Who was the first First Portuguese Navigator to reach Kerala?

Vascoda Gama (1498)

9092. Who is the author of “Starry Nights”?

Shobha De

9093. Hero in Iliad is?


9094. Who is the author of “ Surviving Men”?

Shobha De

9095. Which Bhakti saint wrote the commentary on Vedanta sutras in Sanskrit?


9096. Who was the first woman ruler of medieval India?

Razia Sultan

9097. If a U-238 nucleus splits into two identical parts; how will the two nuclei be so produced?


9098. Who is the author of Mountbatten and Partition of India ?

Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre

9099. Which substance coated on plastic tape?

Iron oxide

9100. In which the radiant energy of the sun is transmitted?

Short waves


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