Questions from Basic General Knowledge

8871. Who is the author of The Tradition of Non- Use of Nuclear Weapons ?

T.V Paul

8872. What is the basic attribute of a formal organization?

Rules and regulations

8873. Name the leader of Chinese Communist Party who became the first President of the People's Republic of China?

Mao Tse Tung

8874. Which is produced during allergic reactions?


8875. In which city does World’s highest urban density of population occurs?


8876. Which book influenced Mahatma Gandhi to have a new vision in life?

Unto This Last by John Ruskin

8877. Who is the creator of the famous character Zhivago?

Boris Pasternak

8878. Who is the author of “The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian”?

Nirad C. Chauduri

8879. Who is the inventor of Origin of Life (artificial)?

Stanley Millar

8880. Which compound caused tragedy of Bhopal in 1984?

Methyl isocynate


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