Questions from Basic General Knowledge

851. Where is Greeco-Roman influence in Indian art found ?


852. The ruler of England who ruled with the title' Lord Protector' was?

Oliver Cromwell

853. Speed Post was started in ?


854. Under which act was the Supreme Court set up?

Regulating Act

855. The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was Tansen. what was his original name?

Ramtanu Pande

856. First man to climb Mount Everest without Oxygen?

Phu Dorjee

857. Who is the inventor of Film (talking)?

Warner Bros.

858. Mathrubhumi was founded by?

K P Kesava Menon in 1923 from Kozhikode

859. Who is the author of Henry Esmond ?

William M Thackeray

860. Which combination of foods providing protein quality nearest to that of meat?

Sprouted gram and groundnuts


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