Questions from Basic General Knowledge

801. Who is the author of “‘The Count of Monte Cristo’”?

Alexander Dumas

802. Father of Ethology?

Konrad Lorentz

803. Why was Mashelkar Committee constituted?

Auto fuel policy

804. National Sugar Research Institute is located at?

Kanpur (U.P.)

805. Which ruler made primary education compulsory in Travancore?

Rani Gauri Parvati Bai

806. In which veda does the word "gotra" first appear with the meaning of "a clan"?

Atharva Veda

807. Which was the Roman Assembly of Elders ?


808. Who is the author of “The Prince”?

Nicolo Machiavelli

809. During which ruler did Bernier visit India?


810. Name the German Physician; who Tuberculosis bacillus in1882 is?

Robert Koch


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