Questions from Basic General Knowledge

7141. 'Utopia' was a famous work of ?

Sir Thomas More(portraying an ideal community on an imaginary island indicating the glaring abuses o

7142. Which country is reliant on a single export of oil/petroleum?


7143. World Bank classifies the countries of the world into three; they are?

low income; middle income and high income countries

7144. Which is the longest inland waterways in the world?

Mississippi river system

7145. Opium-war was fought between which countries?

Britain and Japan

7146. What is the separation of colloidal particles from those of molecular dimensions called?


7147. Who is the author of “Servants of India”?

RK Laxman

7148. Which is the first film directed by M T Vasudevan Nair?


7149. The world’s first successful human to human heart transplantation in 1967 was performed by ?

Christiaan Bernard; South African Cardiac Surgeon

7150. Who is the author of “Importance of Being Earnest”?

Oscar Wilde


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