Questions from Basic General Knowledge

6811. The largest blood vessel in the body is?


6812. Which struggley of Mahatma Gandhi was related to Industrial worker?

Ahmedabad Struggle

6813. Which current is produced by upwelling of water off the coast of Chile and Peru?

Humboldt Current

6814. Which place does Buyer’s market denote?

The demand exceeds the supply

6815. Who led Vaikom Satyagraha in 1924?

K. P. Kesava Menon

6816. The word 'Fascism' was originated from the Italian word 'fasces' which means ?

"a bundle of rods and an axe”

6817. What is the normal temperature of human body on the kelvin scale?


6818. Which country is the largest producer of Silk in the world?


6819. Which saint wrote ‘Bijak’ ?


6820. Who is the author of Wuthering Heights?

Emily Bronte


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