Questions from Basic General Knowledge

651. Wildlife Institute of India is located at?

Chandrasvani (Uttar Pradesh)

652. Who is the author of “The Great Indian Novel God's Own Country”?

Shashi Tharoor

653. Thusharagiri Falls is in?


654. Who is the author of Lucky Jim?

Kingley Amis

655. When is World Malaria Day, recoginzed by the WHO observed?

April 25

656. CAT stands for ?

Computerised Auxial Tomography

657. Which was the Mughal emperor, who died to a" sudden fall from the staircase,?


658. Which environment support the growth of Mangrove Swamp?

Tidal flat

659. What is the main constituent of natural gas?


660. Who is the author of “ The Judgement “?

Kuldip Nayar


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