Questions from Basic General Knowledge

671. Which part became modified as the tusk of elephant?

Second incisor

672. Who is the inventor of Blood grouping?

Dr.Costella and Dr.Moss

673. ‘Parsec’ is the unit of measurement of which distance?

Astronomical distance

674. On which thing Erosion of soil by a river mainly depends?

Its speed at which it flows

675. Who is the author of “Kamasutra”?


676. As per latest data in urban areas women employment is highest in which industry areas?

Retail Trade

677. Who is the author of “Path to Power”?

Margaret Thatcher

678. The Eastern Coast of India is known by which name?

Coromandal Coast

679. A person who lives exclusively on milk, egg and bread is likey to become a victim of which desease?


680. Hatsheput Who is considered as the first women ruler of the world ?

Egyptian Queen


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