Questions from Basic General Knowledge

6441. Who is the author of “A Billion is Enough”?

Ashok Gupta

6442. Who was the first triibal minister in Kerala government?

P. K. Jayalakshmi

6443. The Currency of Vietnam?


6444. Who is the author of Punjab: The Knight of Falsehood?


6445. If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts; what will the total number of poles be?


6446. Who is the author of “Freedom in Exile”?

Dalai Lama

6447. Select the compound in which chlorine shows oxidation state + ?


6448. ‘Kandla’ situated on the Gulf of Kachchh is well known for which purpose?

Export processing zone

6449. The Vaikkam Sathyagraha was started on?

30 March 1924.

6450. Who is the author of “Experiments with Untruth”?

Michael Anderson


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