Questions from Basic General Knowledge

5581. With which game in Christianio Ronaldo associated?


5582. National Flower of India?


5583. Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishnapilla died on?

28 March 1916 at Kannur.

5584. The hardest material found in human body is ?


5585. Who is the author of Importance of Being Earnest ?

Oscar Wilde

5586. Where is the thermal equator found?

North of geographical equator

5587. Biggest Palace (World)?

Vatican Palace; Rome (Italy)

5588. Which tributary of the Ganga System flows northwards?


5589. Who started ‘Mitavadi magazine’ from Tellicherry in 1907?

Moorkoth Kumaran

5590. Who is the author of the famous book 'One Straw Revolution'?

Manasobu Fukuvoka


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