Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4821. Which was the Mughal Emperor who prohibited the use of tobacoo?


4822. The police department is headed by?

SPC-State Police Chief

4823. The quantity of blood in the body of a healthy person is?

5-6 Iitres

4824. Who is the author of Men from Stone Age to Clone Age ?

Bob Beale

4825. By whom was the famous ‘Kirti Stambha’ at Chittor built?

Rana Kumbha

4826. Name the first American President who was the son of a former president?

John Kwinsy Adams

4827. Who is the creator of the famous characters “Mr. Micawber; Jacob Marley”

Charles Dickens

4828. Who said "Money is what money does" ?


4829. Which place is known as 'Southern Gaya'?

Thirunelveli in Wynad

4830. In which year Kozhikode Radio station was started?



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