Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3801. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is located at?

Mumbai (Maharashtra)

3802. Who invented Steam Engine in 1769 ?

James Watt

3803. Wood pulp comes from which region?

Coniferous forest region

3804. Who is the author of “Bandicoot Run”?

Manohar Malgonkar

3805. Who among the following had led the Swadeshi Movement in Delhi?

Syed Haider Raza

3806. Which writer received Jnanapith Award in 1984”?

Thakazhi Siva Sankara Pillai

3807. Who is the inventor of Homoeopathy?


3808. What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter?

Tutankamen tomb

3809. Kudremukh hills known for iron ore deposits is situated in which place?


3810. If you had pogonophobia what would you be afraid of?



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