Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3341. Which hormone is responsible for the secretion of milk in mothers?

Lactogenic hormone

3342. On the banks of which river The Eiffel Tower is situated?

Seine in Paris

3343. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology is located at?

Kolkata (West Bengal).

3344. Who was a contemporary of Chingiz Khan?


3345. The war in South Africa between the British and the Boers is known as ?

Boer War (1899 -1902)

3346. What is the name of the Atom Bomb dropped by America in Hiroshima?

'Little boy'

3347. Medicine for epilepsy is obtain from which lichen?


3348. What was the official language of the Delhi sultanate?


3349. Who was the script writer of the Malayalam filim Neelakuyil?


3350. Who is the author of Hamlet ?

William Shakespeare


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