Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3151. For howmany month can the proclamation of emergency at the first instance be restricted?

6 months

3152. Glass is made of the mixture of which things?

Sand and silicates

3153. All acids contain which element?


3154. In which year was Vande Mataram first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress?


3155. ‘Alice in Wonderland’ the famous TV Serial; is based on a book written by which author?

Lewis Caroll

3156. Who is the author of Prem Pachisi ?

Munshi Prem Chand

3157. Padmavat of Malik Muhammad Jaisi, a notable, work in Hindi, was completed during which reign?

Sher Shah

3158. Word Bull and Big are associated with which branch of commercial activity?

Share Market

3159. Who is the Father of Indian Super Computer?

Dr. Vijay B Bhatnagar.

3160. Land of Thunderbolt?



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