Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2481. The unwanted or non-requested emails are called ?


2482. Which operation was the continuation of operation Desert storm?

'Operation Desert Fox'

2483. E.E.G (Electro Encephalogram) is used to record changes in the electric potential in various areas of?


2484. Who is the author of “. Lady with the Lap Dog”?

Anton Chekhov

2485. Who is the first Japanese to win the Nobel Prize in 1968 for literature?

Kawabata Yasunari

2486. Which was the Submarine war boat used by Germany in the First World war ?


2487. As a result of the first Opium War the Chinese province of Hong Kong came under the control of Britain in?


2488. Who is the inventor of Arc Lamp?


2489. In which list are the Central Government"s exclusive powers enumerated?

Union List

2490. Who is the author of Asia and Western Dominance?

KM Panicker


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