Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2471. Who is the author of the book ‘India Remembered’?

Pameia Mountbatten

2472. Who is the author of One World and India ?

Arnold Toynbee

2473. During the reign of which Indian National Congress banned and over 1;20;000 persons were arrested?

Lord Willingdon

2474. The chief architect of the Acadian empire was?


2475. The year in which Anchal Service was amalgamated with Telegraph department is?

April 1951.

2476. Which of these is a ‘Morning Raga’ ?


2477. Which is the biggest Gorge in the world ?

Grand Canyon in the Colarado river in America

2478. First Steam Locomotive' was invented by?

Trevithick in 1800

2479. Who is the author of “To Live or not to Live”?

Nirad C.Chowdhury

2480. Third Philadelphia Congress was met in 1776 and it adopted the Declaration of Independence on?

4th July 1776


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