Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2221. Karl Marx’s book ‘Das Kapital’ was published in which year?


2222. Indian languages which were added to the official list of 15 in 1992 vide71st amendment of the Constitution are ?

nkani (B) Manipuri and Nepali

2223. What is the poison of honey bee?


2224. What are the "Temperate lows"?

Sub-polar low pressure belts

2225. Who is the author of Chandalika?

Rabindranath Tagore

2226. Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaecobotany is located at?

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)

2227. Who was the commander of Carthage in the Punic wars?


2228. Who is the author of “Inside Europe”?

John Gunther

2229. The birth place of Prophet Muhammed?


2230. If a place is located at 20°N, 80°E in which continents does it lie?



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