Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2211. The shortest bone in the human body is ?

Stapes in middle ear

2212. When is World Malaria Day; recoginzed by the WHO observed?


2213. Central Plantation crops research institute is in?


2214. Perumbadappu Swoorupam is the old name of?


2215. In which river Perunthenaruvi waterfalls is located?

Pamba river

2216. Who is the author of “Maurice”?

E.M Forster

2217. To which processe is the term CMYK related?

Offset printing

2218. Jesute missionaries reached India for the first time during the period of ?

Akbar the Great in 1580

2219. Which is the regulatory authority for giving clearance for External Commercial borrowing?


2220. Who is called the ‘Father of Economics’ ?

Adam Smith


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