Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2211. Nehru University is located at?

New Delhi.

2212. Hepatitis A (Serum hepatitis) causing virus is ?

Hepatitis A virus

2213. Which type of glass is used in making lenses and prisms?

Flint glass

2214. Largest blood cell in human body?


2215. Which is the largest Public Sector Bank in India?

State Bank of India

2216. Who is the author of Murder on the Orient Express ?

Agatha Christie

2217. Who is the author of “ The Enigma of Arrival”?


2218. The Currency of Switzerland?

Swiss Franc

2219. Who is the author of “Yashodara”?

Maithalisharan Gupta

2220. The ODI Player of the Year 2012’ Award was given by ICC to which India cricketer?

Virat Kohli


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