Questions from Basic General Knowledge

131. Name the tallest tree in the world?

Coast Redwood in the Redwood National Park in California

132. Who ‘was killed by Shivaji?

Afzal Khan

133. Deepest Lake?

Lake Baikal (Siberia) 701 mts

134. Which place has the longest day and the shortest night on 22nd December?


135. Who was the founder of the Nanda dynasty?

Mahapadma Nanda

136. Where is the most popular tourist destination The Auroville Beach?


137. In the structure of planet Earth; below the mantle; the core is mainly made up of which?


138. Which range of Himalayas is know for hill stantions ?


139. Which book is authored by V.S. Naipaul?

A House for Mr. Biswas

140. The religious literature of the Jains at the early stage was written in which language?



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