Questions from Basic General Knowledge

12251. The Arab states formed CENTO in ?

1955 (Central Treaty Oganisation)

12252. By whom was Neutron discovered?


12253. Florence Chadwik is associated with which Sport?


12254. Which constituents of the atmosphere causes greatest changes in climate and weather?

Water Vapour

12255. By whom are the oldest compositions in Punjabi devotional compositions?

Baba Farid

12256. What is the age of retirement of the Judges of the High Court?

62 years

12257. Who is the author of “Buddha’s Warriors”?

Mikel Dunham

12258. To which UN organ, does the Security Council send its annual report?

General Assembly

12259. Who were the two great Mughal rulers who wrote their own memoirs?

Babar and Jahangir

12260. Who was the owner of "Swadesha bhimani”?

Vakkam Abdul Khadir Maulavi


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