Questions from Basic General Knowledge

11531. What is meant by "Underwriting", the term frequently used in financial sector?

Under valuation of the assets.

11532. Which alloy is used for making magnets for hearing aids?


11533. Who is the author of “Pramanam”?

Balamani Amma

11534. Who is the author of West Wind ?

Pearl S Buck

11535. In the Vedic society, which was the term used to denote a group of families?


11536. Who is the author of ‘Baalyakaala Sakhi’?

Vaikkom Muhammad Basheer

11537. Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zainul Abidin ?


11538. Who is associated with the coinage of the name ‘United Nations’ ?

Franklin Roosevelt

11539. Which is the hottest planet?


11540. Name the American President who worked as the Chairman of UN Human Rights Committee?

Elenar Roosevelt


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