Questions from Basic General Knowledge

10721. Iliad and Odyssey are the two famous Greek epics written by?


10722. Who is the author of Man Who Changed China ?

Pearl S. Buck

10723. Where did the Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period?


10724. Which was the Mughal emperor, who died to a" sudden fall from the staircase,?


10725. The Currency of Barbados?


10726. A. Nageshwara Rao is associated with which field?

A. Motion Picture

10727. Who was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha?

Vardhaman Mahavira

10728. Which countries translated name means Land of the Eagle?


10729. Who is considered as the father of the nation of Columbia?

Simon Bolivor

10730. Who is the author of “E. V Kathakal and MLC Kathakal.”?

E.Y.Krishana Pillai


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