Questions from Basic General Knowledge

10101. Which is the place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and accounts?

Clearing House

10102. The most important work of Montesquieu is ?

"The Spirit of Laws"

10103. What is the energy of the winds and the waves?


10104. First American President who was subjected to impeachment is ?

John Tailor

10105. Whow resigned as Vice-President to contest for the office of the President?

V.V. Giri

10106. Who; was the Nanda ruler at the time of Alexander's invasion?

Dhana Nanda

10107. Where are the hot desert of the world generally found?

The horse latitude

10108. On the 21st June, the day light is seen at the North Pole for howmany hours?

24 hrs.

10109. What happens, When water is heated from 0°C to 10°C the volume of water?

First decreases then increases

10110. The Currency of Tonga?

Pa’ Anga


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