Questions from Basic General Knowledge

9271. When is International Holocaust Remembrance Day; recognized by the UN observed?


9272. Central Building Research Institute is located at?

Roorkee (U.P.)

9273. With Which game/sport is "Popping crease" associated?


9274. Bharat Ophthalmic Glass Limited is located at?

Kolkata; (West Bengal).

9275. What is the quantity of water in a particular volume of air called?

Absolute humidity

9276. Which force is responsible for syncline formation?

Crustal compression

9277. On which bank is Hampi is situated ?


9278. Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS ?

Surendranath Banerjee

9279. Who was the last ruling Raja of Travancore?

Sri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma

9280. ECG was invented by ?

Wilhelm Einthoven.


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