Questions from Basic General Knowledge

551. Which hydrocarbon is mainly present in gobar gas?


552. If the atmosphere is cooled; what is its capacity for water vapour?


553. Which metal is used for generation of Nuclear Power?


554. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequency; in the range of which unit?

Giga hertz

555. The largest coral reef in the world is found near the coast of which country?


556. Who is known as the 'Father of American Constitution?

James Madison

557. In certain amino acids; which elements is found in addition to carbon; hydrogen; nitrogen and oxygen?


558. Who was the famous Latin American leader worked for the liberation of Argentina; Chili and Peru?

San Martin

559. Who is the author of Bharat Bharati ?

Maithili Sharan Gupta

560. Central Fuel Research Institute is located at?

Dhanbad (Bihar).


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