551. Which ruler from Central Asia conquered North India in 1192?
Shihabuddin Muhammad Gori
552. Which is the first power station of Kerala?
The Pallivasal hydroelectric project (commissioned in 1939)
553. Who is the author of “Gora”?
Rabindranath Tagore
554. Who is the author of One Life ?
Christian Bernard
555. Upanishads; also known as the Vedantas; are How many are these upanishads?
556. Which structure is present in mitochondria?
557. Which is an autonomous bodies established to promote malayalam language and literature?
hitya Academy (B) situated in Thrissur
558. Shakespeare was born in ?
AD 1564 and died in AD 1616.
559. Who is the author of “Ramayana Darshanam”?
560. Which is used as ‘a moderator in nuclear reactor?