5111. Who is the author of Memories and Musings ?
5112. What is the main cause of extinction of species from tropics?
5113. The Capital of Estonia?
5114. The Capital of Tunisia?
5115. In which year was Tax collection of Central govt. lowest as compare to G.D.P.?
5116. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1888 by?
Gaustave Eiffel a Russian belonged to the Salvonic race
5117. On which date Marthandavarma dedicated the kingdom to Sri. Padmanabaha of Trivandrum (Thrippatidanam) ?
Wednesday; January 3; 1750 (Makararn 5; 725 KE).
5118. Grand National is associated with?
Horse Steeple Chase Race (England)
5119. Fisher-Tropsch process is used in the manufacture of which liquid?
Synthetic petrol
5120. The bitterest war of succession under the great Mughals was fought among whose sons?