Questions from Basic General Knowledge

481. First priest to rule England was ?


482. The importance of plant tissue and cell culture in isolation was first proposed by ......?

Gottlieb Haberlandt

483. Upanishads, also known as the Vedantas, are How many are these upanishads?


484. Who is the author of The Tempest;?

William Shakespeare

485. What Minimum age is required to contest for Presidentship?

35 years

486. What is the Study of integrated use of microbiology, biochmistry and engineering?


487. The Bank of France was established by?


488. Who is the author of “One World and India”?

Arnold Toynbee

489. Wood pulp comes from which region?

Coniferous forest region

490. Who is the author of “Rathrimazha”?



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