Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4861. Which country in Africa has luxurious tropical rain forests?

Ivory coast

4862. Among the remedies of inflation; what can we include?

Lowering bank rate

4863. In baseball; the two opposing teams consist of how many players?

9 players each

4864. In which veda is the famous Vedic saying “War begins in the minds of men” stated?


4865. By whom was the famous book Geet Govind written?


4866. What is the average salt content in a litre of sea water?

35 gm

4867. Who is the author of Divine Life ?

Swami Sivananda

4868. When was West African Monetary and Economic Union found?


4869. Who is the author of “Canterbury Tales”?


4870. Brazil got independence from in 1822 from?



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