Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4081. IBAN expands to?

International Bank Account Number

4082. Who was the Finance Minister of India in the Interim Government during 1946-1947?

R. K. Shanmukham Chetty

4083. Who was the British PM at the time of Revolt of 1857?


4084. The scientific name of Earthworm is?

Pheretima Posthuma

4085. What does Dear Money Policy imply?

High interest rates

4086. What is the conversion of Fe++ to Fe+++?


4087. Who was the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin

4088. Jewish Synagogue - The Synagogue at Mattancherry was built in?


4089. Gate of tears?

Strait of bab-el-Mandeb

4090. Who is the author of “ E. V Kathakal and MLC Kathakal. “?

E.Y.Krishana Pillai


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