3071. Who is the author of “Eye of the Storm”?
Patrick White
3072. How can one can distinguish a telescope from a microscope?
By observing size of the lens
3073. When it is 12 noon at-Greenwich, what is the time at New York (74°W) ?
7.04 a.m.
3074. How are Latitude and Longitude?
Perpendicular to each other
3075. Dog bite can cause rabies. Which other animals can also cause rabies?
3076. By whom was the idea of the Constitution of India first of all given?
M. N. Roy
3077. The Capital of Guatemala?
Guatemala City
3078. Who is the author of Reminiscences ?
Thomas Carlyle
3079. By which act did the Crown take the Government of India into its own hands?
Government of India Act; 1858
3080. Who is the author of “The Triumph; ”?