Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2291. World's first test tube baby Louie Brown was born on?

25th July 1978

2292. Liverpool is on the bank of which River?


2293. Father of Genetherapy?


2294. By virtue of which Act; dyarchy was introduced in India?

Government of India Act; 1919

2295. 'Savarnajatha’ was organized by Mannath Padmanabhan to support?

Vaikkam Sathyagraha

2296. What is the length of India’s coastline?

About 7500 km

2297. Who is the creator of the famous character "Keeran Poosari;"?

S.K. Pottakadu

2298. Where are the traces of Portuguese culture found in India?


2299. Which game does Anuja Thakur play?


2300. Who is the author of “Sacred Games”?

Vikram Chandra


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